Saturday, January 07, 2012

Potato Ham Skillet

Ok, this has to be one of my favorite recipes not only this week, but that I've ever tried! I was amazed at home much the flavors just POPPED in your mouth.  Delicious enough to be enjoyed for breakfast, or dinner.  We chose to eat this as is, as it is pretty filling.  You COULD pair it with some delicious whole grain toast and sugar-free jam/jelly, or perhaps a small bowl of fresh fruit!
I can already tell a difference in how I feel this week now that I've been focusing on what I'm putting into my body, and every day has been a very conscious effort towards my diet.  I can't wait to see what the scale says tomorrow!  I should also mention that I'm drinking 100oz of water a day (or more), and eating 4-6 small meals throughout the day to keep my metabolism going strong.  I've started working out again, and wearing a pedometer - so this healthy cooking adventure is just a key piece in the big puzzle.

Potato Ham Skillet
2 medium russet (or any) potato
1 medium sweet potato (this is CRUCIAL to this recipe's flavor index!)
7 green onions chopped
1/2 vidalia onion chopped
1T butter (I use the kind made with olive oil)
1/2C reduced fat or fat-free shredded cheese
1.5C diced ham (they sell these in little packages at the grocery in the deli meat section)
1C egg substitute
salt, pepper & garlic powder to taste

Peel 3 potatoes and slice thinly (this is key, if they are too thick, they won't cook enough in the time allotted)
Chop all onions, shred cheese if you didn't already buy shredded
Melt butter in 10in skillet over medium heat
Layer HALF of potatoes, ham and onions. Add salt, pepper, garlic.  Repeat layers including dry seasoning.
Cover and let cook for 10 minutes.
Pour egg substitute over potato/ham/onions and recover, cook for 3 minutes or until eggs have started to set.
sprinkle cheese over the top, cover and cook an additional 3 minutes or until eggs have fully set.
Let cool for about 5-10 minutes, cut into 6 servings, and EN-JOY!
prep time: 15 minutes
cook time: 17 minutes
I'd love to know what YOU think of this dish after you enjoy it as well!

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