Monday, February 13, 2012

Broiled Dijon Porkchops

I am LOVING eating clean!!  I have lost 13lbs since the beginning of the year, and honestly, it's 100% due to changing my eating habits!!  I haven't felt bloated ONCE.  I haven't felt "uggghh" after eating ONCE.  This has been an incredible decision, and we are all benefiting from it!  My husbands pants are too big for him, and my son is just as healthy as can be (he eats what we eat.)  So, make these, and enjoy!

Broiled Dijon Porkchops
5- 4oz pork tenderloin chops (minimal fat, trim if necessary)
3 Tbsp dijon mustard
1 tsp dried thyme
pepper to taste

Place pork chops on cookie sheet.  Brush with half of dijon mustard.  Sprinkle with half of thyme and season with pepper to taste.  Broil approx 6in from broiler for 10 min.
Flip porkchops, brush with remaining mustard and dust with remaining seasoning.
Broil for another 10 minutes. Remove, enjoy.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

OISHI!! (Delicious-in Japanese)