Friday, July 06, 2012

30-Day-Shred Challenge

Ok, so I'm taking my blog in a new direction.  A BETTER direction.  So, not only will I share awesome, delicious, healthy recipes with you (I can't let you down!) I am also sharing this as part of my fitness journey.  This will document my journey to get myself to a healthier state of mind, body, and soul.  Glad to have you following along, and I hope along the way you find even a shred of inspiration, or hope!  We're all in this together <3

30-Day-Shred Challenge Deets:
*buy Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD
*secure a set of weights (I'd recommend 2-5lbs..10lb if you're already at an intermediate fitness level)
*take measurements (shoulders, biceps, chest, waist(narrowest portion above belly button), hips, thighs, calves)
*take "BEFORE" pictures (please have something in the picture that verifies the date)
*on Saturday, July 28th, begin day 1 level 1.  We will complete this a level at a time, so we will do this EVERY DAY for 10 days. We will rest 2 days, then start back up the 2nd level, etc.etc.
*We will take measurements and photos after each level.
*After 30 days (34 technically) we will do final measurements and photos - they will be emailed to me.  The person who has had the MOST change physically and visually will win our challenge!
*Eating healthy and drinking plenty of fluid will be ESSENTIAL!
*Winner will receive a digital food scale and single serve blender with travel lid - because we all know it's 80% what you eat, 20% what you do that gets you where you need to be, and these two items are essentials everyone should have :)
*I have to receive your measurements and pics by midnight on the 28th or you will not be able to participate in the challenge
***GOOD LUCK!!!***

1 comment:

Monique Thomas said...

Sounds good to me! I am in! I have been wanting to get back in shape and eat healthy and get my family eating healthy. This is just what I need to get myself in shape and keep me motivated.