Monday, July 29, 2013

It's been awhile....

It's been awhile.  Heck, it's been nearly a year since I last posted about my journey.  It's been just that.  A complete roller coaster ride.  I've fallen off the wagon, and HARD.  It's not pretty, I'm not happy about it, but the good news is: I'm pulling myself up by the bootstraps and getting behind back on track.  At the encouragement of a friend, I'm firing the blog back up, and will be active on it weekly, dialoguing my journey to be the best ME I can be.  I've done a lot of soul-searching lately, and I've discovered that being all skinny, and muscular really isn't my goal.  I don't necessarily want to look like that, and that's OK!  But I am NOT at a healthy weight, and I'd like to see that number on the scale go down a bit.  I'd also like to be able to go up and down my stairs without feeling slightly winded...yeah, it's that bad.

As a follower, new reader, whatever you might be - I ask you to join me.  Hold me accountable.  Call me out when I do something that might not be up to the standards I've set for myself.  HELP me!  And in turn, I hope you can relate to me, or take something away from my journey that will help or inspire you along in yours.

Until next time (soon)....



Misty Williams said...

You got this! We all follow the wrong path every once in a while in our lives. Its when you realize that you need to find YOUR path and start walking, that you become awesome! You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I saw someone share your blog and I'm in the exact same spot. The past 6 months have been so trying and Ive put on a ton of weight :( Just trying to get myself back to being healthy! Just know your not alone!!